If you are reading this article you might be stuck in a situation where something has gone wrong with your website and probably can’t find a way out to restore it and reverse the changes to the last stage when it was all good. Don’t worry, we have got you covered.
All you have to do is to follow the steps enumerated below to restore the backup of your Drupal website.
Step 1: Uploading Backup to Your Account
This step can be done either by using an FTP client or the File Manager service with your cPanel account. Either way, the backup of your Drupal content will have to be uploaded on your account.
Choose the directory scrupulously where you want your Drupal website to appear. The directory also needs to be emptied.
Step 2: Restoring your Database
Now, on your account, you will have to create an empty database and a user for it with all the privileges.
Then upload your Drupal website’s dump backup.
Open your cPanel account and then click on the phpMyAdmin option under the Databases tab.
On the next screen, you will be presented with the list of all databases on the left panel. Here you have to select the database that you have just created.
Open the ‘Import’ tab by clicking on the ‘Import’ option present in the top menu.
In this tab, under the ‘File to Import’ section, there is a button to ‘Choose file’ right next to the ‘Browse your computer’ option. Click on that button and select the dump backup file of your database.
Click on the ‘Go’ button at the bottom once you have done this.
Step 3: Configuring Files and Database Together
Once you have successfully followed the above steps, all the files and folders of your Drupal website will be there in a location on your account and also the backup of your Drupal database will be present in a database. All you have got to do now is to configure them together.
To do this you will have to edit the Drupal configuration file on your account and rectify your Database details.
That’s it.
We hope our article helped you :).
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